Launch of Materiality and Aggregation – STEPS plastic exhibition

Society faces three major sustainability challenges related to plastics. We need to decrease our dependency on fossil raw materials, improve our use of resources, and increase plastics recycling and reuse. Simultaneously, we need to prevent plastics from polluting and leaking into our environment.

Welcome to the launch of the exhibition ‘Materiality & Aggregation’ – a collaboration between designer Kajsa Willner, the research programme Sustainable Plastics and Transition Pathways, STEPS, and Form/Design Center. It departs from STEPS’ research on ways forward to a sustainable plastics society, and is an interpretation of five plastics pathways. Using materials and materiality as its medium, the exhibition examines challenges and possibilities with plastics. It highlights information and knowledge about sustainable plastic alternatives and production processes from a design perspective. The exhibition explores how we as a society can work together to broaden current views on plastics, and how we can approach plastic production, use and recycling in a future epoch. 

Daniel Christensen has created the graphic identity for the exhibition.

Date, time and place

9th September, 17.00 (exact time will be confirmed)

Form/Design Center, Lilla torg 9, 211 34 Malmö

The exhibition will run unto 27th of September. 

The opening is open to everyone. No registration needed.

Logo for Materiality & Aggregation. Image.
Noomi Egan