Professor Lars J Nilsson chosen for top EU climate position

Lars J Nilsson is professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at Lund University. He is the leader of work package 3: Governing the transition towards a sustainable plastic system.

Lars J Nilsson, professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at Lund University, is one of 15 experts appointed to the new European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. The Board will independently review the EU’s climate work and provide advice on appropriate climate measures and goals.

In STEPS, Lars J Nilsson is the leader of work package 3: Governing the transition towards a sustainable plastic system.

– I am excited to start this work. We will advise on climate measures that are implemented by the EU, and the climate goals that are set, says Lars J Nilsson, who primarily will contribute with his expertise on the decarbonization of the basics materials industry.

The new council is a consequence of EU legislation, which stipulates that an independent climate science council must be established.

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Noomi Egan