Workshop on improved recycling

Illustration of pathways. Illustration.

The workshop was organised by WP3 and held at Lund University on 9 April.
After a presentation from Jenny Ivarsson and Johanna Eriksson from the investigation team on Sustainable Plastics assigned by the Swedish government, the workshop focused on the already known challenges of recycling plastics. Above all, the low collection of plastic waste, the lack of demand for recycled plastic, and the producer responsibility so far failed to encourage producers to design completely recyclable products. Highlights of the EU’s plastic strategy were also presented, after which it was noted by the group that it is  important to think both in a long-term and short-term perspective and that the transition to a more sustainable plastic system will require many different solutions.

Three different topics were discussed more in deep during the workshop: plastics design, collection systems and chemical recycling.

Noomi Egan